0.7 Fix a bug with the parsing of SEARCH ON. Fix a bug with the syntax of the FETCH ENVELOPE response. Avoid some compiler warnings. A very basic implementation of SEARCH HEADER has been added; this only just works, and requires that you CREATE CAST (bytea TO text) WITHOUT FUNCTION as the postgres user. SEARCH , e.g. SEARCH UID, has been added. A simple script, "dmdb", that runs psql to connect to the decimail database, has been added. For better support of systems where Postgres is on a non-standard port or a remote machine, dmimapd and dmsmtpd can accept database connection parameters on the command line. The default init scripts will now get these settings from /etc/decimail.conf. 0.6 Add three more mailbox hierarchies using the actions framework: - Per domain name - Per subject line - Labels Put TO: and CC: messages, as well as FROM: messages, in the People/ hierarchy. Move SQL for actions things into an actions/ subdirectory. Hopefully fix the long-standing 100% CPU bug in imapd. 0.5 Add the "Actions Framework": IMAP CREATE, DELETE, RENAME and COPY commands trigger lookups in an actions table based on the mailbox name; the action is an SQL query that is executed. An example application of the actions framework is a per-correspondent mailbox system where new mailboxes can be populated by copying a single example message from the correspondent. Use boost threads in place of omni_thread. This is fragile and needs further work. Import libpbe using svn:externals. Move to Subversion. Make imap logging optional and off by default. 0.4 libpbe fix to error reporting during startup. Add dm_add_ml, dm_del_ml scripts. Fix odd bug with MAIL FROM:<> Add delete daemon. Fix missing includes in libpbe ip.cc. 0.3 Dependency of create_imap.sql on mailboxes.sql has been removed; subscribing to mailboxes should work. Add triggers to regenerate mailboxes. Distinguish between threads in syslog with {n} prefix. Tolerate MAIL FROM: with illegal space between : and < Store configuration in DB. Use pg_config. Remove dependency on unused libident. Add missing sql/create_deletelog.sql and import/Makefile. 0.2 Correct syntax error in STORE response (missing parens); fixes need to try twice before message is deleted. Check return values in SMTPd to cope properly when client disconnects prematurely. In libpbe SmtpClient: report server error messages. 0.1 Initial Release.